This is big NEWS!
We are now going to be placing some pictures of the actual films for once instead of placing all this crap which has nothing to do with anything.....except for the names.........enjoy! You bloody well will....or else... |

It's actually us!!!!!
These are no mere fake photo shop jobs, these are real screen shots from the movie Dr. Knevil 3: The Egg-Team. With all new technology this is now possible, although it takes time so we only have a few select images. But they show you what the set actually looked like and how we look when we're at work. I'm starting to think that the Photo-Shop images looked better.
The point in Dr. Knevil 3 where Knevil appears in a holographic form. He warns the people of Earth that he is once more ready to take over the world. Unfortunately for him, it gave the Egg-Team the perfect excuse to attack him!!! |
A tribute to the Indiana Jones 'Travelling Sequences', only on a smaller budget. We couldn't even afford a real Atlas!!!!! |
"Dentures, I've wet myself!!"
In a flashback sequence (Way to use those camera effects!!!), we see how Dentures is not quite quick enough to help the Doctor to the crapper before it's too late. However when Knevil called for Dentures in the first place he said that he "..needed a pee", so Dentures obviously went away and created a super strong fighter known as 'Mr. P' it's an easy mistake to make!!!!!
Knevils' Kreature Komforts!!!
This is the original Knevil animal, Yug. He was in the first film and has been in many more, however this is the first time hes been photographed. "Yug! A bio genetically engineered kinetic, multi-evasive frog." (Note the rather convincing controls on Knevils' chair.)
The Knevil Crew!!
Another shot of us, only more sedate!!! Knevil is making a speech to his arch nemesis. The stenchmen Dentures, Toyota and Zing are bringing up the rear guard (OOH ER!!!!) |
This is what Zing does best. He does what all self-respecting people do when they're on a job interview, pulls a gun on his interviewer. However there was no need, Knevil already knew that Dr.Zing would be more than useful in his organisation. |
"It appears Toyotas' sword, is useless."
You can't blame him, it's only 1% Gold, and 99% Bronze, cheap immitation. Still, he passes Knevil's interview (we didn't have a choice, it was the only costume we could find!!!) |
"He shall now be known as GUMS!!"
After a rather nasty insident invoving a train, Dentures loses his Dentures. I think the caption sums it up best. |
What happens when Mr. P gets angry? Yes that's right, he evolves into Mr. T!!!! |
Dentures tries to get a better view of the action from up high, but what happens if the train pulls away quickly, and he's not holding on? Well whatever it is, hapened next!!!! |
No, it's no Blake, it's Knevil, and it's fight to the death with Egg!!! Who will win? I can't remember!!!
(NOTICE: To create scenes of violence like this take profesionally trained actors. We aren't and subsequently is why we constantly get bruises and on one occasion a cast member got his nuts whacked by a golf club!!!!!!!) |
Knevils' train speeds hastily through the desert, in circles?!!!! Indeed the budget was running out, that was true from the second we started filming....Dr. Knevil 1 that is!!!!!! |
No, not the sounds of a pornographic movie, but the decision of the Egg-Team to surrender when Knevil, who is off screen, pulls a gun on them.
(For those of you who haven't noticed, it's the opposite picture to the one at the top of the page. If you did spot pay too much atttention, GET A LIFE!!!)
N.B. The creators of this website are most greatful of your visit and don't suggest that you should go and get a life. The employee responsible for this comment is now lying at the bottom of the canal,er..I mean he no longer works for us. Thankyou.